Vanna Lam as always loved art. She knew from her childhood that she would become an artist and always worked towards achieving her wish. She graduated with a BFA in Craft & Material Studies in 1998 and has worked for an art publishing company in Richmond, Va. since then. Vanna loves nature which also acts as her source of inspiration through the forms and patterns that it provides. She has also worked as a production watercolor artist for Old World Group. She’s now working as an Embellished Production artist with the same company but having a new name called World Art Group. Vanna is enthralled by the freshness of color. She loves colors and uses a lot of it to make her art look more realistic. She works in various mediums including molding pastes, papers, gels, acrylics, and leafing. Aside from working with various mediums, she is also a published artist through her employer.
She’s dedicated to her art, whether through her employer or through her personal works. Vanna’s art is characterized by sensual lines that are defined yet complex, allowing her art to create a mindscape of its own. The artist has had various public and private art shows in Richmond. She participated in ThinkSmall, art180 and made various art donations throughout the community of non-profit organizations. Her art continues to draw positive reactions from viewers and critics. This is the force behind her continued effort to produce quality work. She believes she still has a long way to go; that’s why she welcomes criticisms both negative and positive.