Amy Melious is an American painter who was raised in Northern California. Her Redwood forests neighborhood became a part of her life and influenced her art. Amy is self taught through experimenting, observation, and personal study. She has explored a variety of styles and cleverly combines traditional and an array of alternative techniques to create her artwork. Amy never limits herself when it comes to art. Instead, she explores different styles and brings in elements of hand painting, so that she can bring forth a color language that clearly expresses her subjects. Amy’s love for creating art began with her love for photography. Through photography, she’s able to capture the things around her and later transform them into beautiful works of art. When Amy started getting involved with photography, she knew perfectly well that it would be part of her life for a long time, and indeed it has proved so. Having been making pictures for more than 2 decades, her collection of pictures provide a trail of her life, showing the things she's done, the places she's been to, and some of the things that have captured her attention.
However, Amy is still inspired by that which she hasn't seen, giving her the driver to explore more. Her subjects are mainly flowers, landscapes, the human spirit and still life. Amy looks at photography in two angles; it's her source of livelihood and her way of life. About her photography life, she says, "I feel there is wisdom in nature, kindness in beauty, and growth in discovery."
"When I work with a camera, I begin at first as a witness, next I become a participant, then craftsperson. In the end, I feel I have learned, celebrated, and given back."